Citiri Owner Scope Management Insights
Commentary News and learnings about owner scope functions including operational readiness, activation, and transition (ORAT) and the CitiriOS platform, as well as other air transport, rail transport, sea transport, and infrastructure operator topics.
Citiri Partners with New Industry Association to Present Groundbreaking Opconic Awards to Aviation’s Best in the World of ORAT and Operational Readiness
Citiri and AOEP Present Groundbreaking Opconic Awards to Aviation’s Best in the World of Operational Readiness
The Fiscal Case for ORAT
Citiri CEO Ortez Gude lays out the cost-savings and value-leakage avoidance that is possible with ORAT. Part two of the series.
ORAT Gives Airport Leaders Control, Cost-Savings, and Assurance
Airports worldwide are shifting to the ORAT framework for major construction projects. Find out why in the first part of this series.