Privacy Policy
Citiri is Committed to Keeping Your Data Safe
Citiri, Inc. Information Privacy Policy
Protection of Your Data
We shall maintain appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for protection of the security, confidentiality and integrity of your data. We shall not (a) modify your data, (b) disclose your data except as compelled by law or as expressly permitted in writing by you, or (c) access your data except to provide the purchased services or prevent or address service or technical problems, or at your request in connection with customer support matters.
Collected Information
Citiri is committed to protecting personal information and will make reasonable effort to protect your privacy. Personal information is not automatically collected unless you intentionally submit it to us using one of the forms supplied on our website for the purpose of requesting a demo, requesting a trial or requesting a subscription.
Use of Collected Information
If you provide us with your contact information through one of our website forms, we will use that information to provide the information you requested when submitting the form.
Disclosure of Information Collected
Unless required by law, or to protect the rights of Citiri, collected information will not be disclosed in any way except as outlined here. Information collected from a request for demo will not be shared with anyone outside of Citiri. Information collected from a request for trial of a request for subscription will be shared with Citiri personnel and Salesforce personnel only. We provide your contact information to Salesforce in these circumstances because the Citiri solution is delivered on the Salesforce platform. Citiri may use collected information to support aggregated usage statistics in order to better understand and support our target market and to describe our services to others including our formal partners. In reporting aggregated usage statistics, we are committed to protecting personal information which will remain confidential. If you make a purchase from Citiri using a credit card or other third-party payment providers, the information collected will be shared with those companies in the process of completing the transaction. The third-party companies involved in completing your payment may have their own policies regarding collected information and Citiri has no responsibility or liability for their policies.
Linked Internet Sites
Please be aware that there are links from our website that take you to the Salesforce website at www.salesforce.com. Salesforce has its own privacy provisions and Citiri is not responsible in any way for information you may share directly with Salesforce on its website.
Use of Google Analytics
Citiri uses Google Analytics to conduct website usage analysis.Google Analytics uses cookies to provide this service, but no personal information is collected in the process. If you have any questions regarding the Citiri privacy policies outlined here, contact us at contact@citiri.com.